Created as part of the SAAM Arcade 2021. Inspired by "Grey Sun" by Isamu Noguchi (

I attempted to create a cellular automata game that involved your tuning of life/death parameters to mix primary colors of light, and eventually engulf the whole torus in brilliant white light.

Known bug: the colored buttons on the right move your source generator for that color Up, Down, Left, or Right, but the arrows on the buttons don't seem to render properly.

I wish I had found more time to work on it, however the results are still quite striking, if not a bit incomprehensible. A future update would make more understandable game logic, add needed camera controls, and most importantly replace the current graphics with a replica of the Grey Sun sculpture. Also I would love to see it in VR, but the changes in UX involved would make it a non-trivial upgrade.

Made withUnity


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Torus indeed! Not much to say gameplay wise, more of a fun little thing to tinker with than anything else.

The Best Torus simulator on the market

9/10 IGN

(Too much water)